Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Live Psychic Readings -


A number of people who believe in Indian astrology refuse to believe the efficacy of the remedial measures it offers.

Astrology has not only given us tools to determine what's destiny has in store for us but also ways to avoid the hurdles in achieving our material or spiritual goals. These ways as suggested by the astrological principles are called remedies.

Here are some of many questions I have received in the past.

"The underlying assumption of astrology being karma theory and planets being just 'soochakas' rather than 'karakas' (signifier rather than doers), is there any justification for remedy at all?"

"All of life events are something that I feel are destined. If they are destined and my astrological charts are telling me this, how can I change something written in my chart and hence in my destiny".

"If my chart is predicting an unfavorable event in my life, and by remedies if I am able to stop that event from happening, wouldn’t that invalidate what’s written in my chart" .

All of these are excellent questions. Only a very experienced Indian astrologer can tell the right remedy for the right person valid under certain conditions. Majority of the so-called astrologers do not follow the rules correctly and hence give a bad name to these remedies.

Planets move in the skies in a per determined way. The permutations and combinations they form are all predetermined and are being governed by natural laws. But what if the man learns to alter the effects of planets to some extent now, can he alters his predefined life now>>the answer is obvious.

If we understand how planets effect us to begin with to give the life destiny handed over to us, we can surely alter those effects to make them work for us. That's what remedies are all about. They are our attempt to alter the natural effects of planets.

We do that by experimenting with gems (which use electromagnetic radiations), Mantras. (Which use sound waves) and Yantras (which use geometrical and mathematical shapes). I repeat only holistic remedies which are connected with Mantra, Yantra and Gems work and nothing else at all work. Our ancient seers have given us various mantras to ward off the evils of life and using mantras as a remedy is very difficult process which only a learned astrological can prescribe it for the benefit of people. Just buying the materials from market and donating or immersing them in the water is no way any holistic remedy.

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